Cryogenic Piping
Flexible Metal Piping, Hoses and Braided Products
API provides the most complete line of flexible metal piping, hoses and braid products for a wide range of temperatures and products including:
Liquid Nitrogen (LN2) Delivery Systems
We provide Vacuum-jacketed dynamic and sealed cryogenic pipe to be use in diffferent applications.
Stainless SEMIFLEX liquid nitrogen pipe in both sealed and dynamic vacuum is constructed from stainless steel to provide the lowest cool down and steady state heat loss for superior thermal performance. See the information section for more details.
CobraFlex liquid nitrogen hose available with a sealed vacuum is constructed from stainless steel with a highly flexible outer wrap.. See the information section for more details
Deliverying LN2 over long distances creates LN2 in two-phase condition. We can use vapor vents in most applications to lower the amount of gas being delivered to the end point. But smetime, Phase separators are needed.
Our liquid/vapor phase separators deliver low-pressure single-phase LN2 to each use point for ondemand supply. Combining SEMIFLEX with Triax LN2 pipe eliminates two-phase flow to all use points.
Modulating Valve Phase SeparatorÂ
Pneumatic Modulating Valve Separator with dynamic or sealed vacuum is available in two, four, and eight outlet options. See the information section for more details
Sensor Control Phase Separator
Pneumatic Sensor Control Phase Separator with a sealed or dynamic vacuum is available with two outlet options. See the information section for more details.
Sometimes it is recommended to fill dewars on site, for this type of situaitons we recommend.
NITROMATIC Dewar Fill station is designed to automatically fill a Dewar/tank with liquid nitrogen from a piping system or bulk tank.
We can also provide deliverying solutions for other products ranging from cryogenic temperatures to temperatures up to 1500 F (815 C), including piping for:
- Liquid Oxygen - Liquid Hydrogen - LNG - Chlorine
Contact us for more information